An immersive art exploration platform which invites users to step into a world where art comes to life in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).

  • Unity
  • Quest 3
  • MobTI
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Date: 2023-11-16



XRT is an immersive art exploration platform that redefines how users experience and engage with art. Leveraging the Oculus Quest 3 and mobile phone integration, this project invites users to step into a world where art comes to life in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). Immerse yourself in the beauty of diverse artworks, explore unique perspectives, and feel the presence of art as if you were standing in front of it.

Key Features

  1. Art Exploration: Explore your local spaces and unveil impressive art installations in interesting areas.
  2. Art variety: From 3D Statues to Video to 2D Graffiti or digital Paintings, many types of media and art can be viewed in XRT
  3. Immersive Environments: Transport yourself to digital art gallery.
  4. Interactive Experiences: Engage with art in new ways by interacting with the virtual environment..